Thursday 20 October 2011

Second Roles..

So we have come to a decision regarding our final second roles throughout this process.

Fundraising & Front of House: Emma / Jen / Oana.
Marketing: Julia / Claire.
Technical Support: Charlie / Ioana.
Costume: Nicci / Mirna.

I've taken on the role of Company Manger :)

The Company Managers main concern is the overseeing of day-to-day operations and ensuring the mechanics of the company maintain moving smoothly and successfully; ultimately to make certain that tasks are properly carried out. The other central concern is the welfare of the dancers; making sure everybody is happy in their roles and feels an equal part of the company. It is also the company manager’s responsibility to liaise with the choreographer and facilitate the process of work and development within the company. They should always keep all members of the company informed of contact with and any tasks presented by the choreographer; communication is the key element to a successful running company.

The company manager should work cooperatively and respectfully with all members of the company to implement timely decision-making and to foster a productive and equitable environment to work in. They should be able and willing to work as a team on all company activities.

I'm quite worried about taking on this role but I'll try my best & see what comes of it! X

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