Thursday 3 November 2011

Intensive Day 1.. :)

So we met Andrea Buckley for the first time today!! She's lovely! & seems like an inspirational person to work; she also understands that we are all new to these professional processes.. These next 5 days promise to be a great experience..


We started first by investigating the feet - finding the arches and folding and unfolding..

I was focusing on the imprint of my foot on the floor and the imprint still sort of remains there even when my foot is removed. How you can still feel / imagine the foot even when you can't see it.

Comparing the foot to the hand - articulating through the 'fingers' & touching' / feeling through the palm of the foot. I felt I could connect more / sense more when I thought of the foot as having the same tactile qualities as the hand.

Walking through the 3 arches - how the position of the body / top half affects emphasis on the take off & landing.

Copying Score:
Copying at the same time.
Falling into their sync of their movements.   No time to think.
I can almost guess what is coming next, even when I try to suprise her. Swaping between copying & moving - mixing the roles. Getting the dynamic, quality or the movement - but not always at the same time. 
Realised we moved quite similarly.
We played with tactile qualities, like the touch of the floor & the support of the cold wall.

Signature Score:
Writing 'Individual colours' repeatedly.
Hearing the sound of the pen on the paper. Getting used to the shape of the letters.
Writing the word in the air. Putting this into movement - found myself stuck in one phrase.
Try to distort it - change the plane it's on.
Adding mine & Emma's together - made it more of a 'near miss' element.
Editing our movement to accommodate for each other.

Copying Score Revisited:
Emma - hands on; getting information through the hands - move in tune with her.
 Receiving information through the whole body.
Every surface.
Really changed the way the receiver moved.
Copying again with a heightened sense of her body. Completely in sync - more like a duet.
Can go in & out of the river line. Have to be still in it - observing.

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