Thursday 15 November 2012

Cellular Breathing..

In relation to my earlier post re breath, I have been exploring the concept of cellular breathing...

Fluid cells.  Shifting.  Heavy, heavy cells.  Sleepy this morning - having to really concentrate to bring this image to the fore-front of my thinking.  Distracted cells, wayward..

Lightness of attention needs to match lightness of touch..

Hands on.  Cellular breathing.  Focus on the different layers of the body. Focusing on Emma's breathing - could feel it throughout her body. Found that I associated different areas of her body with different layers.
Belly = skin/ fluid/ organs.
Elbow = bone/ skin.
Head = bone.
Leg = muscle/ skin.
Knee = bone/ tendon.
Kept returning to the fleshy belly - strong breath.

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