Saturday 2 March 2013

Spinal Pattern..

Spinal Pattern - leaving behind pre-vertebrae patterns & entering vertebrae.   Still in water (fish).   This underlies what happens on land with limbs.   Head-tail relationship.  Digestive system (central line) stays with us - soft & flexible.  Spine was once soft in our movement memory.  Brain & spinal chord are still present - they are now protected by a bony encasement.  3 layers of the spine.

Fish fins - balance - replicates relationship between centre of the body & the limbs.
They sense temperature / light / sound / vibration through their skin.
Lateral line (side) is a particularly sensory place.
Nervous system is taking in information through the body. 



Yielding so far - can feel a response to come out of it - rebounding.
Image of getting into a bath.
Finding movement up from the floor.
Finding support before we push upwards towards activity.

(image from journal to scan in!!)

Inviting possibility of yeidling. Melting into the floor.
Something gooey.
Yeidling taking you into activity.
The floor swallowing me. Allowing it to release me into moving.
Sometimes yielding so much that I don't want to move.
Heavy body.
Connected with my breath & my weight to be able to readily accept movement.

Exploring the articulation in all of the vertebrae. Trying rolling down a wall. Still keeping the digestive tract with me. Connecting with the nod in my head - where my skull nods on my spine.


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