Sunday 19 December 2010

Cecilia MacFarlane Workshop..

Cecilia MacFarlane came in to lead a improvisation workshop with us; she is an unbelievably inspirational woman and encouraged us to value our individuality as an artist and celebrate our dancing, flaws and all.

  • FACILITATE. (work alongside)
  • TRANSLATE. (interpret... to suit your body)
What stops you? What blocks you? Why?

We improvised for a while under these guidelines:
  • LOW ; under a bed...
  • MEDIUM ; under a table...
  • HIGH ; the skies the limit...
What stopped me? ... Caught eye contact with someone and came out of the place I had gone to. Suddenly became aware of the other bodies in the room. This threw me off. Too many people in a small space.

What suprised me? ... Usually unconfident / uncomfortable with improvisation. Felt free. Didn't feel as self conscious & only stopped once!! Really inspired!!

What do you celebrate about your dance???
Its my own...  I'm open to and eager to explore different ways of moving... Intricate & detailed...
What do you need to feed it???
LET GO!.. Stop comparing myself to other dancers... Belief...
This class reeeeeally inspired me & I really hope we get to work with Cecilia again!! I now feel like I can throw myself into the course a bit more.  

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