Friday 1 February 2013

Finding my own score..

Exploring the relationship between condensing & expanding & my organs. 
How they are moved , wobbled , poked , twisted , stretched.
Working starfish into this.
Do they stay in place?

Alix:      - In sync with movement, yet they stemmed from different initiations.  
              - Me moving from my score, Alix offering me hands-on information whilst talking about her score. Found that because I was so focused on my moving and the information I  was receiving that I was listening to her talking but less what she was actually saying.   
              - Gathering snippets of information.
             - Similar movements and similar ideas - only realised this when we spoke and when we moved together allowing the roles to blur. Following her movements with all of my body rather than just my hands. Found similar movements (condensing) but with different qualities (mine curving, hers folding).

I listened to her hands more than her voice.
What we notice & what we ignore.
Choosing how we orient our focus.
Navigating internal & external information at the same time.


  1. How was it to be seen?
    I found that I don't mind being seen as long as my face isn't - as long as I can't see you.
  2. How did it clarify the phrase?
    As soon as I had to speak it, it became clear. I tried not to 'set' a phrase as I feel that it then doesn't go anywhere - it gets stuck.
  3. What happens to my breath?
    I didn't notice it, but I think it was present in my moving - it wasn't trapped.
  4. Can I layer them into my phrase?
    I need to make myself more available to being seen!

My Score:
Finding the fold in my hips - deep. How this is connected to my centre / core. Allowing breath to be present. Suspension & falling. Clear contact with the floor - jumping. Deep fold, stretching & twisting. Deep fold - psoas muscle, connected to centre. Starfish. Suspension. Travelling. Travelling & speaking.


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