Monday 12 March 2012


Today we underwent the 'underscore' with Katye; it is a score written by Nancy Stark Smith & I shall post a copy of it as soon as I get hold of one :)..

Kinesphere - exploring.
Playing with movements inside the body.                                 Inquisitive.
Working with 'attraction' - exploring everything with everyone..

Charlie banging on the wall - attracted to feeling the vibrations on the wall..

Logical progression of the score.
Felt you were at the next point already - exploring the next bit of information.

Grazings - a series of choices. 
A palate of colours.
Small group in class today - 
Can see the empty space, fill it.
Layers - keeps it alive..
Kinaesthetics & compositional concerns.
Encounters in the unknown.
Return to self..

Sorry if this seems a little vague at the moment..
It will make more sense once I've posted a copy of the score..


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